Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Better Homes and Bloggers" in Bitch Magazine!

Illustration by Leslie A. Wood
Finally, finally, FINALLY, my feminist critique on lifestyle blogs is up on Bitch Magazine's website! This was really quite a piece of work (three months worth, give or take), and a real learning experience to boot. While the piece will run in the upcoming "Frontier" Spring 2012 issue of the magazine, you can check out the digital version it all its glory here!

Friday, February 10, 2012

"Retro Rentals" in Minnesota Meetings and Events

Just got my copy of this season's Minnesota Meetings and Events! You may asking yourself why this is, as I am not an event planner (unless you count our numerous, amazing C.L.A.P. events). It is because I contributed a rather lovely (if I may say so myself) article featuring three area retro rental companies. Lime Canary Vintage Rentals, Antique Door Vintage Rentals and On Solid Ground Vintage Rentals are all companies recently started by women that specialize in providing materials and planning for that perfect old timey event of yours. You can check out the article here or in the online version of the issue.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Winter 2011 Issue of C.L.A.P. out!

Finally! Our winter 2011 issue is out and raring to go! With the theme "Ourselves, Our Bodies," this issue covers topics ranging from winter biking tips, to at home spa treatments (on the cheap), to Trichotillomania. Read more about the issue here, and if you aren't in the Twin Cities and want to pick up a copy, you can order one on our Etsy site here.